1-2-1 Two Day Intensive Wedding Photography Mentoring Session (Includes accommodation)


An intensive two day Wedding Photography Mentoring session with Kevin Mullins. Accommodation and ongoing support included in the fee. We will cover everything candidly and honestly and no area will be out of bounds.

Please Note: It is very possible to run this mentoring scheme via Zoom Video sessions. This is generally how this session is delivered for overseas students, though it’s also available for UK based photographers too.

This is an intense two day Wedding Photography Mentoring solution for those that want to get a real grasp of their business and move forward with it.

This programme will be totally tailored to your needs and if the schedule below is just a guideline. We will cover everything candidly and honestly and no area will be out of bounds.

I pride myself on my honesty when it comes to tutoring and there are no secrets that I will keep from you.

We will create this programme entirely around your needs. Part of the session will be critiquing your work from RAW (or in-camera JPEGs if that is how you shoot).

All members of this Wedding Photography Mentoring session will join me in a private Facebook group and receive ongoing support and advice.

The two days are intense and will run from 9 am until around 6 pm. Lunch will be provided and day one will include a dinner locally where we can continue to discuss business (or rugby…).

NOTE: The fee for the Wedding Photography Mentoring also includes accommodation for one night in a local hotel here in Malmesbury.

Included in the Wedding Photography Mentoring Fee:

  • One night’s accommodation in a local hotel here in Malmesbury (if you are arriving by train, transfer from Kemble station also included).

  • Lunch on both days and dinner on day one.

  • Portfolio Review.

  • The business of Wedding Photography; building a brand, client acquisition and attracting the right clients for you.

  • Gear, shooting and configuration.

  • Understanding the trinity of Light, composition and moment.

  • How to shoot weddings from “the inside out” rather than the “outside-in”.

  • A candid look at full weddings of mine, and yours and getting a better understanding of how I shoot each section of the day.

  • Workflow, editing and asset management.

  • A full and candid critique of your website with SEO and Social Media advice.

  • Six month followup review via Zoom.

Please note these will need to be midweek days. Upon purchasing this wedding photography mentoring session we will work out a suitable set of dates that works for both of us.

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An intensive two day Wedding Photography Mentoring session with Kevin Mullins. Accommodation and ongoing support included in the fee. We will cover everything candidly and honestly and no area will be out of bounds.

Please Note: It is very possible to run this mentoring scheme via Zoom Video sessions. This is generally how this session is delivered for overseas students, though it’s also available for UK based photographers too.

This is an intense two day Wedding Photography Mentoring solution for those that want to get a real grasp of their business and move forward with it.

This programme will be totally tailored to your needs and if the schedule below is just a guideline. We will cover everything candidly and honestly and no area will be out of bounds.

I pride myself on my honesty when it comes to tutoring and there are no secrets that I will keep from you.

We will create this programme entirely around your needs. Part of the session will be critiquing your work from RAW (or in-camera JPEGs if that is how you shoot).

All members of this Wedding Photography Mentoring session will join me in a private Facebook group and receive ongoing support and advice.

The two days are intense and will run from 9 am until around 6 pm. Lunch will be provided and day one will include a dinner locally where we can continue to discuss business (or rugby…).

NOTE: The fee for the Wedding Photography Mentoring also includes accommodation for one night in a local hotel here in Malmesbury.

Included in the Wedding Photography Mentoring Fee:

  • One night’s accommodation in a local hotel here in Malmesbury (if you are arriving by train, transfer from Kemble station also included).

  • Lunch on both days and dinner on day one.

  • Portfolio Review.

  • The business of Wedding Photography; building a brand, client acquisition and attracting the right clients for you.

  • Gear, shooting and configuration.

  • Understanding the trinity of Light, composition and moment.

  • How to shoot weddings from “the inside out” rather than the “outside-in”.

  • A candid look at full weddings of mine, and yours and getting a better understanding of how I shoot each section of the day.

  • Workflow, editing and asset management.

  • A full and candid critique of your website with SEO and Social Media advice.

  • Six month followup review via Zoom.

Please note these will need to be midweek days. Upon purchasing this wedding photography mentoring session we will work out a suitable set of dates that works for both of us.

An intensive two day Wedding Photography Mentoring session with Kevin Mullins. Accommodation and ongoing support included in the fee. We will cover everything candidly and honestly and no area will be out of bounds.

Please Note: It is very possible to run this mentoring scheme via Zoom Video sessions. This is generally how this session is delivered for overseas students, though it’s also available for UK based photographers too.

This is an intense two day Wedding Photography Mentoring solution for those that want to get a real grasp of their business and move forward with it.

This programme will be totally tailored to your needs and if the schedule below is just a guideline. We will cover everything candidly and honestly and no area will be out of bounds.

I pride myself on my honesty when it comes to tutoring and there are no secrets that I will keep from you.

We will create this programme entirely around your needs. Part of the session will be critiquing your work from RAW (or in-camera JPEGs if that is how you shoot).

All members of this Wedding Photography Mentoring session will join me in a private Facebook group and receive ongoing support and advice.

The two days are intense and will run from 9 am until around 6 pm. Lunch will be provided and day one will include a dinner locally where we can continue to discuss business (or rugby…).

NOTE: The fee for the Wedding Photography Mentoring also includes accommodation for one night in a local hotel here in Malmesbury.

Included in the Wedding Photography Mentoring Fee:

  • One night’s accommodation in a local hotel here in Malmesbury (if you are arriving by train, transfer from Kemble station also included).

  • Lunch on both days and dinner on day one.

  • Portfolio Review.

  • The business of Wedding Photography; building a brand, client acquisition and attracting the right clients for you.

  • Gear, shooting and configuration.

  • Understanding the trinity of Light, composition and moment.

  • How to shoot weddings from “the inside out” rather than the “outside-in”.

  • A candid look at full weddings of mine, and yours and getting a better understanding of how I shoot each section of the day.

  • Workflow, editing and asset management.

  • A full and candid critique of your website with SEO and Social Media advice.

  • Six month followup review via Zoom.

Please note these will need to be midweek days. Upon purchasing this wedding photography mentoring session we will work out a suitable set of dates that works for both of us.

Reviews of The Wedding Mentoring Two Day Session

  1. Amy Milstein:
    I sat down to write this and realized there is no way I can adequately express how invaluable the sessions with Kevin have been over the past few months.

    He has given me every single tool I need and then some in order to be successful, and done it with a generosity of spirit that exceeded all of my expectations.

    Not only am I more confident as far as my photography skills are concerned, but I now have a much better grasp of the business side of things. This confidence comes not only from the sessions themselves, but from the knowledge that should I have any questions moving forward, or encounter an obstacle and need some guidance, I can reach out to him for suggestions or advice.

    Bottom line? The mentoring sessions were worth every penny, and I highly recommend them!"

  2. Mark Zilberman:
    I’d been watching Kevin’s work for a while and was in awe of it. I knew this was the direction I’d wanted to go. I’d been a photographer of many decades but have gravitated toward street work over the last several years.

    Wedding work seemed the perfect way to pursue that genre without the risk of assault from a subject on the street. Hence, I was delighted to find on Kevin’s site the opportunity for a focused training vis-a-vis Skype (I live in the US).

    The teaching was amazing. He really did go into it all. He allowed for me to record it using Camtasia. That’s a must because there is just so much information. I have come away with a thorough education on the entire process including artistic genre, camera technology, his unique social media marketing and a vast array of topics too numerous to name. He is a true gentleman who has a very well prepared curriculum.

    Despite the training being over (which is sad for me as I truly looked forward to the sessions), Kevin quickly responds to questions I throw at him via email from wherever in the world he may be. Probably, the most pleasing part of the process is I’ve made a new friend.

  3. Kiain BallochI found the 2 day intensive mentoring to be exactly right for me. The all-inclusive break nature of it actually reminded me of conference I went to in Palma that was hosted by Promega back when I was a forensic post-doc! Your style of delivery was great: relaxed, open and, above all, honest. I spent a long time studying and working in the academic sector so I have high expectations when it comes to people who delivery training/educational material. Also good to know that I’m not the only one in the wedding industry who considers ethical issues!

    The review of my wedding images and, of course website was great, really valuable. I hope that I am able to implement it all. It was so good to get feedback from someone who actually knows more than me, instead of the ‘guy who criticises everyone else’s images but never shows his own work at college’. This is also the reason I stopped inviting ‘comments and criticism' on social media or forums - too many trolls/know it alls. I hope I manage to apply it all. There was so much I noted down.

    I would definitely recommend you as a mentor to anyone looking to start down the route of documentary wedding photography or improve what they are doing.

    I’ll also be keeping an eye for your other courses in future

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