Photography Mentoring

Short-term or long-term mentoring for those who want to take their photography or business to the next level.

“I sat down to write this and realized there is no way I can adequately express how invaluable the sessions with Kevin have been over the past few months. He has given me every single tool I need and then some in order to be successful, and done it with a generosity of spirit that exceeded all of my expectations.

Not only am I more confident as far as my photography skills are concerned, but I now have a much better grasp of the business side of things. This confidence comes not only from the sessions themselves, but from the knowledge that should I have any questions moving forward, or encounter an obstacle and need some guidance, I can reach out to him for suggestions or advice.

Bottom line? The mentoring sessions were worth every penny, and I highly recommend them!"

— Amy Milstein, USA

Kevin Mullins Training

Image courtesy Axel Hess


The wedding photography mentoring schemes with me allows you to get close to my business and my work.

I've worked with past students to build a set of mentoring opportunities packaged to allow you and your business to move forward.

Whether you are interested in an online critique and discussion of your work, or a full year-long wedding photography mentoring solution, there is something for everybody who wants a close working understanding of the way I run my businesses.

If you have any questions about the mentoring options, please don't hesitate to contact me.