Day in the life Photoshoot


I’ve been helping document the life of Maja via a Day in the Life Photoshoot every year since she was born.

It’s a complete privileged for me to be involved, and as Maja’s mum is also a photographer, she has the same passion as me for curating memories of “real life”.

When I shoot a Day in the Life Photoshoot, my remit is always the same; capture the normal. I don’t direct or pose my clients.

I love to document them doing the very ordinary, like brushing their teeth, helping in the kitchen, having breakfast etc.

Some of my favourite pictures of my children are the most simple, but for me at least, will be the ones I look back on in thirty years when they may be married with their children, with the most fondness.

A Day in the Life Photoshoot is simply a fly on the wall session. Of course, I will utilise all my skills as a documentary photographer and look for good light, good composition and an exciting moment – but those never come at the expense of the events unfolding.

A Day in the Life Photoshoot should be raw and natural, in my opinion.

So below are some stills from the latest session I did with Maja. The weather was abject, and ironically I think because of the light that day, these images led themselves to be colour as opposed to monochrome (which the rest of the series has been).

To tell the story in more context, below these stills, are the three previous photo films that collective help to navigate us (and most importantly Maja and her family) through the busy early years—starting with her actual birth.

I hope you enjoy these images as much as I enjoyed making them.

As a dad myself, I know how important it is to capture those fleeting times that make us smile, laugh and, sometimes perhaps, even cry.

Simple events, like washing up, having breakfast, playing in the living room.

Moments that we often take for granted but in the blink of an eye are just memories.

If you would like to comission a family photoshoot, please contact me.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.

Birth Photography in London