Every Frame from a Wedding / X-Pro2


Back in September, I was invited by Fujifilm to give a couple of presentations at Photokina, in Koln, Germany.

It was a great week and I managed to get time to watch presentations from some of my favourite photographers shooting with Fuji's, including but not limited to my friends Jonas Rask, Bert Stephani and Zack Arias.

All the presentations were amazing and I love watching how different photographers use the Fuji system to produce their work.

Shortly before the event, Fuji asked me to try and demonstrate how the X-Pro2 can be used, reliably, to shoot a whole wedding.

So, I did something I've never done before and made a photo-film based on every frame shot at the wedding I had the previous weekend.

Those of you who read my wedding photography site may have seen this before, but I wanted to share it here with a few more details for context.

Before watching the photo-film it's worth noting a few things;

  • In order to really show the durability of shooting with the X-Pro2's I overshoot completely.  There is over 4,000 frames in the film, whereas its rare for me to shoot more than 1,500 frames at a regular wedding.

  • The images in the film are unedited and untreated.  It's a wart and all presentation.

  • Apart from the bridal recessional, its all shot on single shot mode.  The recessional is shot using AF-C and CH.

  • I used three batteries throughout the whole day (a fourth was being used by the end).

  • The confetti sequence was shot on the X-T2 and there are around 10 frames in the collection shot using the X70.

  • The images are low resolution.  It's just not realistically possible to do this in any useful time frame with full-size files.

  • You can see the exposure and White Balance shifts (especially during the service) that would normally be mitigated in post-processing.

You can see the blog post about this French wedding on my website.

The film is only a few minutes long but it's quite quick & certainly better with audio turned up.

In order to produce the film, I dropped all the images in Premiere Pro.  They didn't go via Lightroom.  It took about two hours for Premiere Pro to render the movie file.

I actually thought long and hard about doing this in the first place, and even longer about publishing it, but I think, by and large, it gives a pretty good indication of how reactionary the Fuji X-Pro2 can be for people who shoot in a documentary/reportage style.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.


Fujifilm X100F Review


New York Street Photography / X-T2 & Samyang 12mm