Portraits with Fujifilm GFX100

The Men of Malmesbury


You may remember, I recently posted a picture of my mate Dave.

I alluded in that post that I had taken some snapshots of some of my best friends. This is a few more GFX100 Portraits from the series.

I shot these over a period of time between lockdowns. Not for any particular reason, other than I wanted too. It seemed far too long since I’d been shooting.

You’ll probably know that my real job is as a documentary wedding photographer and I am not the kind of person who is going to be telling people where to stand, what to wear or how to look.

So, in this case, there was usually beer involved and there was usually a call of “right, let’s get this snap done then”.

The Fujifilm GFX100, of course, produces incredible results and the details to work with are superb.

All of these images were shot with the GF 45mm lens @ f5.6. 1/400th Second at an ISO of 2,500.

The light was a constant video light (the same one I use for my Youtube Channel), the Aperture 120D Mark I.

Those who listen to The FujiCast podcast might recognise some of these names as they are often mentioned.

In no particular order (also, no the same order as the images) we have:

  • Postman Man

  • Aussie Wayne

  • DIY Dave

  • Big Nick

  • Welsh Gar

  • Lucky Geoff

Enjoy, and stay safe.


Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.


XF27mmF2.8 R WR Lens Review


My Friend Dave - A GFX Portrait