Museum of the Order of St John Wedding and Eight Moorgate

museum of the Order of st john wedding

It was last September when I shot the Museum of the Order of St John Wedding of Nadia and Gavin.

I remember it well as it was my first wedding back from my annual summer vacation with my family.  The weather was calm, and the people happy.  Always a good starting point for a wedding in Central London!

I started my day with Nadia and her bridesmaids at the Zetter Townhouse when they were getting ready (charming boutique hotel for those interested).

Once Nadia was in her dress and had had a nerve-clearing drink, her dad arrived and whisked her off to the Museum of the Order of St John just across the road.

Hi Kevin, Thank you so much for our Museum of the Order of St John Wedding photos, we are truly overwhelmed by them, they are fantastic and more than we had wished.

We sat down last night and watched them all three times with a bottle of champagne, and it was fantastic. You captured the day so well, and we found every photo fascinating.

Thanks so much again, we are absolutely over the moon.
— Nadia & Gavin

With the short bus journey behind us, we arrived at Eight Moorgate for the wedding reception.

I've shot several weddings at this London wedding venue, and it's true to say that every one of them has been very different.

There is an air of quality and excellence there, and as a documentary style wedding photographer, it's a beautiful place to photograph weddings.

I love mingling with the guests, and I try to blend in as much as possible.  My remit is to deliver images for my clients from a guests eye point of view, and it's something I love to do without any direction or guidance.

I hope you enjoy looking at Nadia & Gavin's Museum of the Order of St John Wedding photographs.

Museum of the Order of St John Wedding - Ceremony

Even though I lived in London for the best part of fifteen years, it never ceases to amaze me the amount of historically important places that exist.This Museum of the Order of St John Wedding provided me with another of those places.From their own website:

"The unique and fascinating story of an ancient religious military Order, from its origins caring for sick pilgrims in eleventh century Jerusalem, through to its modern-day role with St John Ambulance, the international first aid charity."

It is a fascinating place, and the great hall where the wedding ceremony was held is a sight to behold with its paintings and regalia.

The ceremony was delightful and with a sizeable Scottish contingent from Gavin's side and Palestinian from Nadia's, lots of smiles and fun too.

Museum of the Order of St John Wedding - Drinks

Once the ceremony and confetti were done, Nadia and Gavin and their guests took the short stroll to the gardens of the Museum.

Another beautiful and tranquil oasis in the centre of London.

The weather stayed true, and we spent an hour or so there before jumping on the ubiquitous London Routemaster and headed off to Eight Moorgate private members club.

Museum of the Order of St John Wedding - Eight Moorgate Reception

If you are considering a Museum of the Order of St John Wedding or any wedding of course, please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss your wedding photography requirements.

Destination: London Weddings

Venue: Museum of the Order of St John Wedding, Eight Moorgate

Setting: City Wedding

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.

The Round Chapel Wedding Photographer


Druid Wedding at Stonehenge