Little People - Why I Love this Wedding Photo

Back in March, I photographed the lovely wedding of Joe and Rosie at Old Thorns Hotel, Surrey.

As it happens, Joe is a perfect Street Photographer himself, and I always feel privileged when other professional photographers ask me to shoot their weddings.

As mentioned, it was a lovely wedding, and there were many beautiful moments.

For me, however, one of my favourite images as the photographer is this one below.

Joe and Rosie had recently had a baby boy, and he was as much a part of the wedding as the bride and groom.

This image was taken moments before Rosie walked down the aisle.

Grandma, grandad, great grandma and great grandad are all on this shot, along with the baby of course.

I love the adoration from grandma and the way the little one is staring back up at her.

But for me, the part of the image I love best is the gentle hand on the baby's head by great-grandma.

When I run my wedding photography workshops, I talk in great depth about the way hands and the communion of those between people can tell such a story.

In my mind, this image will be incredibly powerful not only today but as nostalgia settles in, in many years to come.

I love this photo, and I hope you do too.


I hope you like what you see, and please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss your wedding photography.

You may also wish to check out my Instagram page for more of my favourite wedding photos.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.

Roman Baths Wedding Photography


North Cadbury Court Wedding Photographer