Baby Face

Why I Love this Wedding Photograph

Young Bridesmaid at This Temple Guiting Manor Wedding

From a Wedding at Temple Guiting Manor

I'm taking you back a long time, some ten years, to the Temple Guting Manor Wedding of Thad and Claire for today's post.

One of my primary skills as a Documentary Wedding Photographer is observation. I speak a lot to my Wedding Photography Students about the importance of looking.

Nowadays, many photographers take thousands of images and "hope for the best". However, I firmly believe that to be a good Wedding Storyteller, you must first look. It's a little like crossing the road - look and listen.

In this case, I'd observed the interaction between the little bridesmaid (probably in high school now) and her slightly frustrated mother.

It's the moments before the wedding, and, no doubt, this little girl has been excited by this day for many months.

Yet, come the moment, comes the tantrum and mum, a little exasperated perhaps, placed her on the floor to have her moment.

I purposefully shot very low to give us this perfect viewpoint, and framing the little girl with mum's legs also gives us a little context.

It's a lovely, fun moment, and even now, I still remember photographing it after all these years.

This post is part of my Why I Love this Wedding Picture series, where I describe why I, as the photographer, love a particular image or series of photographs. 

Want to see another from this series?

Take a look at The Comforting Arm - from a Wedding at St. Stephen’s Trust.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.

Priston Mill Wedding Photographer


Micklefield Hall Wedding Photographer