Online Photography Portfolio Review

1-2-1 Online Portfolio Review with Kevin Mullins - 1 Hour £150

“The most valuable experience I’ve had to help me with my photography”
- Selina S.

Having your work reviewed and critiqued by another professional photographer is an invaluable experience.

  • Photography Portfolio Review

    Why have a Portfolio Review?

    It’s something that I regularly do myself and getting an educated and informative critique of my work from somebody who is detached from it helps me to continue to evolve.

  • Photography Portfolio Review

    Weddings, Street, Family or Personal Photography

    These sessions can be weddings, street or social family photography / personal photography, though it’s best to not mix genres during the review.

    For wedding reviews, we can review a completed wedding as you would give to your clients, or, if you really want to deep dive into a critique, a full, non-culled, RAW wedding selection.

  • Photography Portfolio Review

    More than just a Portfolio Review

    We will cover the aesthetics of images as well as cohesion, cropping, applicable dodging and burning and crucially curating the images to tell a story.

    Once you have booked the online portfolio review, I will email you with a Skype link and details of how to submit images.

Kevin Mullins Training

Kevin on the live stage at Photokina, Germany. Photo by Bijou Paul.


Kevin is an established photographer, platform speaker and educator. As an ambassador for Fujifilm, he has been around the world giving talks and portfolio reviews.

A Photography Portfolio Review with Kevin is an opportunity for your work to be gently critiqued by a fellow professional, which will lead to tangible and actionable results.

Book your slot for an online photography review with Kevin below. Upon payment, Kevin will contact you to agree on a suitable time for the session. Kevin will follow up with an email asking you to submit your images via DropBox or Google Drive.

Book a 1 Hour Portfolio Review.

Remember, a Portfolio Review is never negative. Kevin gives constructive, actionable advice that you will be able to implement the next time you pick up a camera.

All Sessions are Recorded

Remember, all online one-to-one sessions are recording and made available to you after the workshop. You can download and keep the recording to complement any notes you take during the session.

What People Are Saying


“Highly recommend Kevin's online portfolio review. Even though I would count myself as an experienced photographer I gained a huge amount from Kevin reviewing my portfolio and pointing out some 'blind spots'!

Kevin has a wealth of experience and expertise and I came away with a number of practical suggestions to put into practice. Sessions can be recorded and so plenty of opportunities to review comments at your leisure and Kevin is generous with his time re providing the opportunity for any follow-up questions.

A worthwhile investment for any photographer interested in developing their practice.”

— Richard B.

“I have been following Kevin for a while and am a big fan of his work and The Fujicast podcast. I am very thankful for his generosity, his time (he had obviously & carefully looked at my portfolio before our review), and his constructive suggestions that I will be sure to keep in mind on my photographic journey.

Please understand that watching videos on technique, reading books, and even studying others' work is not enough. The value of a review like this is that you can start to understand the areas where you actually need to improve as a photographer from your own unique point of view. Ideally, you want someone for the review who would spend the time studying your work from both the artistic and the technical angles and give you practical feedback that you can act on.

Kevin's portfolio review is one of the best things I have done to improve my photography this year, and it is very kind of him to take time out from his busy schedule to help people like me. Many thanks, Kevin!”

— Asim C.

“I had meant to book a portfolio review for some time from a photographer whose work I respected, and of course, Kevin is one such photographer. Like everyone, life kept getting in the way, but I thought it was the perfect excuse when the whole ‘COVID’ thing happened.

I was nervous, as although I wanted honest feedback, I knew it might be hard to hear. Fortunately, Kevin provided a review of my portfolio in a truly constructive way.

The advice was invaluable and made me think about my work in a whole new way, without making me want to sell all my cameras and get a ‘real’ job again! Full of advice and tips to consider in the future and a genuinely lovely guy too. I would highly recommend all photographers to consider having their work reviewed by Kevin.”

— Scott C.

 What do others say?

“I have been following Kevin for a while and am a big fan of his work and The Fujicast podcast. I am very thankful for his generosity, his time (he had obviously & carefully looked at my portfolio before our review), and his constructive suggestions that I will be sure to keep in mind on my photographic journey.

Please understand that watching videos on technique, reading books, and even studying others' work is not enough. The value of a review like this is that you can start to understand the areas where you actually need to improve as a photographer within your own unique point of view. Ideally, you want someone for the review who would spend the time studying your work from both the artistic and the technical angles and give you practical feedback that you can act on.

Kevin is that person. Kevin's portfolio review is one of the best things I have done to improve my photography this year, and it is very kind of him to take time out from his busy schedule to help people like me. Many thanks, Kevin!”

— Asim K

“Highly recommend Kevin's online portfolio review. Even though I would count myself as an experienced photographer I gained a huge amount from Kevin reviewing my portfolio and pointing out some 'blind spots'! Kevin has a wealth of experience and expertise and I came away with a number of practical suggestions to put into practice. Sessions can be recorded and so plenty of opportunities to review comments at your leisure and Kevin is generous with his time re providing the opportunity for any follow-up questions. A worthwhile investment for any photographer interested in developing their practice.”

— Richard B

“Kevin's experience and his ability to express that experience to others are unique and invaluable. I was very thankful for the insight he offered in a review of a wedding contact sheet. I'll be back each year for more insight in my attempt to grow and reach the level of vision and skill of this great photographer.”

— Mark L

“I had been meaning to book a portfolio review for some time from a photographer whose work I respected and of course Kevin is one such photographer. Like everyone, life kept getting in the way, but when the whole ‘COVID’ thing happened I thought it was the perfect excuse. I was nervous as although I wanted honest feedback I knew it might be hard to hear. Fortunately, Kevin provided a review of my portfolio in a truly constructive way. The advice was invaluable and made me think about my work in a whole new way, without making me want to sell all my cameras and get a ‘real’ job again! Full of advice and tips to consider in the future and a genuinely nice guy to chat to. I would highly recommend all photographers to consider having their work reviewed by Kevin.”

— Scott C

“Lockdown pushed me into reviewing my online portfolio!

I was stuck as I was too familiar with my own work and needed a fresh pair of eyes!

Having followed Kevin for a while and appreciated his work I felt comfortable asking for his support for a portfolio review. This is always the most daunting part and allowing yourself to be vulnerable is part of the improvement process.

Kevin is easy to engage and talk with. I felt heard and he, in turn, provided good valuable constructive criticism where necessary as well as compliments. A great balance!

I came away with many new tips to think about. It was so incredibly useful to be able to record and download our conversation so that I could go back to our session and make sure that I hadn't missed any tips.”

— Erika T

“I recently engaged Kevin to do a review of my work. Never having had my work reviewed and by having it done by a photographer whose work I admire, I entered with trepidation. Kevin was very constructive with his review, giving me a number of areas I can work on to improve. Overall the experience was very positive and I will look to include reviews a couple of times a year as part of my self-development. I thoroughly recommend the service Kevin offers.”

— Mike W

“It is important to show your work to others and Kevin was excellent at looking at it and offering his honest opinion and experience. Having a recording of the session is also very good so I can revisit it. Helps with bad memory! Kevin, thanks for the very useful tips. There are things I look at photographs from others, but somehow miss on mine, so it was very useful coming from someone else.”

— Stelios C

“The worst thing about social media is that you actually never (or very seldom) get any constructive feedback on your work. "'Amazing", "Wow, dude, that's epic" or "You're smashing it!" doesn't exactly give you any idea on how well you are getting on with your composition, your use of lighting or indeed your post-processing workflow. I recently had a portfolio review with Kevin and I learnt more in that session than I did in the last previous 6 months of mind-numbingly scrolling through mine and other people's images on Instagram. Kevin has this ability to show you how to cull and curate your work as well as pinpoint specific actions you could have taken in camera and in post to get the best of your images. He also is deadly honest but his honesty (which is so crucial in a portfolio session) is lined with diplomacy so you don't finish your session deflated but instead simply buzzing. As with any other workshops Kevin produces, he approaches his portfolio sessions with utmost professionalism backed up by a huge amount of experience.”

— Emily R

“Amazing time with Kevin. He is honest but supporting in all he says. I came away feeling much better about my images but with a list of tips to make them better in the future.”

— Louie R

“Such a positive experience! Kevin went over a selection of my photos from a technical and professional point of view, then provided me with tools to fix the issues he noticed. I was able to pick Kevin’s brain about any questions I had, he had clearly taken a lot of time mulling over the images to provide an in-depth review. I would highly recommend this service from Kevin.”

— TJ

“My Photo Review with Kevin was overall a very positive experience. We had a smooth 90 minutes conversation about the technical and creative aspects of my work, that was designed around some questions and ideas I suggested beforehand. I very much realized that Kevin had prepared the topics in advance and provided me with very productive pointers and comments towards the flaws as well as towards the strengths of my body of work. It was a kind of professional feedback I am sure I would not get from friends or photo enthusiasts. Technically, I could record and download the skype conversation with no problems and it now enables me to go through it again. Overall the conversation has provided me with more defined criteria for the kind of photography that I pursue. It was definitely a step forward.”

— Miguel W

“Great opportunity to discuss photography. Kevin shared detailed tips and offered a valuable perspective. Recommended!”

— Pavel K