Building a Successful Wedding Photography Business

Online Learning & Private 1-2-1 Sessions with Kevin

This unique opportunity is your opportunity to turn your passion into a prosperous career under my guidance with video tutorials and 1-2-1 mentoring from Kevin.

Unique Online Video Tutorials

You will have access to a suite of videos and tutorials created by Kevin covering topics such as Marketing, Finance, Websites, SEO & Social Media, Editing and Workflow and Client acquisition.

You can watch these videos in your own time and at your own pace.

NOTE: The videos will be available after our initial private Zoom-based 1-2-1.

PDF Notes, Guides & Checklists supplied.

Personal One-to-One with Kevin

Each delegate will have two one-hour personal Zoom one-to-one with Kevin to discuss any element of their business.

One session at the beginning and one once you have completed watching the online videos.

Private Facebook Group for ongoing Support

The private Facebook group will allow us to communicate as a community and offer ongoing support from Kevin even after the sessions are finished.

Amy Milstein - USA

“I sat down to write this and realized there is no way I can adequately express how invaluable the sessions with Kevin have been over the past few months. He has given me every tool I need and then some to succeed, and he has done it with a generosity of spirit that exceeded all of my expectations.

I now have a much better grasp of the business side of things. This confidence comes not only from the sessions themselves but also from the knowledge that should I have any questions moving forward or encounter an obstacle and need some guidance and I can reach out to him for suggestions or advice.

Bottom line? The sessions were worth every penny, and I highly recommend them!”

Session #1 Thursday, April 18th 2024
Session #2 Thursday, May 23rd 2024
Session #3 Thursday, June 20th 2024

All Sessions will run live at 8 PM UK Time but will be recorded for those who can’t attend.