Every Frame from a Wedding shot on X-T3 and X-Pro2


You are about to see a Youtube Video that I created recently discussing Every Frame from a Wedding shot on X-T3 and X-Pro2.

A little note on Photokina

It's been a couple of weeks since I got back from Photokina.

That was an amazing trip as always. Thanks to those of you that did pop along to any of my talks.

The screen on the Fujifilm booth was absolutely massive but it was so well put together by the team in Japan.

photokina kevin mullins - Wedding shot on X-T3

photokina kevin mullins - Wedding shot on X-T3

Of course, most of the talk at the show, well, at the Fujifilm booth at least was about the GFX 50R and the X-T3 also.

My prototypes of both of those cameras have now gone back to Japan.

So, the film you can see below is (well, the bit of me talking) on my new X-T3 which I bought this week.

Every Frame from a Wedding shot on X-T3 and X-Pro2

Now, today. What have I got for you today?

Well, firstly, this is a wedding type post but I hope it will appeal to the wider masses too.

Do you remember, a couple of years ago I did a Full Shot photo film of a wedding I shot in France?

Well, fast forward to this summer and I shot a Wedding shot on X-T3 and X-Pro2 of a guest who was at that wedding in France.

And she asked me to produce something similar.

Which I did.I n essence, it's a Photofilm - which is a set of stills with a music track. I do a standard one for every wedding client of course.

Now, typically, a standard wedding yields around 400 images for the clients and the photo films are a really lovely thing for them to keep on their phones, tablets, share with friends etc.In the case of the French wedding a few years ago, and the one I'm about to show you - I purposefully shoot a LOT more images than I would at a typical wedding.

The French one, for example, was around 4,000 frames and I would normally shoot around two thousand frames at a regular wedding - sometimes more, sometimes less but thereabouts.

Light, Composition & Moment

Whenever I'm shooting a wedding, I'm always thinking about Light, of course, composition as much as I can, and ultimately moment.

  • Light

  • Composition

  • Moment

They are the three things that I believe need to come together to make a strong image.

So, when I'm shooting for these very fast Photofilms I have to change my approach somewhat.

I'm still looking for Light composition and moment - now, remember, I shoot candidly, so the image has to unfold in front of me.

I don't give any direction to a moment so my ability to control the moment is not in my hands.

I can use my senses to identify when moments are happening of course and shoot them.Always with one eye on the light, background etc.

The reason I normally shoot around 2,000 images is that for every moment that makes the cut, I probably press the shutter button two or three times.

For this photo film, it's very different.

You'll understand when you see it I think.

Now, it's worth remembering that the client specifically asked me for this product. I do offer it as a product but it's very specific.The wedding needs to be right for it as it just wouldn't work at every wedding and the time and effort that goes into it after the fact is huge - which means there is a financial implication too.[

But no matter, I do enjoy these things, and whilst I fully appreciate it's not going to be to everybody's taste's the clients have seen previous ones and want this.

So, that's what we have coming up. A FULL wedding - every moment that I shot.

There are no cuts. This is every single frame that I shot at the wedding.It's unedited - and by that I mean I haven't done a standard wedding edit on these stills.You'll see exposure shift and the occasional out of focus image.The final 400 image gallery will have a proper edit and that will be on my wedding blog soon.

I shot the whole thing on a combination of the X-T3 and an X-Pro2.

One had a 23mm f1.4 lens, the other the 56mm f1.2 lens. I didn't change lenses so all the shots are with those two bodies. Very capable cameras in my opinion.

Here we go then.

This is Sophie and Daniel's Wedding shot on X-T3 and X-Pro2 with a little preamble from me.It's worth watching until the end.

I hope you enjoyed this Wedding shot on X-T3 and X-Pro2.

Of course, it won't be to everybody's taste and it's important to understand the context.

You can buy the Fujifilm X-T3 now via Wex in the UK and Europe.

By the way, there is one space left on my last Wedding PJ Workshop in a few weeks in London.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.


Street Photography Tokyo with my Fujifilm X100F


My Official Video for the Fujifilm GFX 50R by Fujifilm UK