A Wedding Shot with the XF23mm F2 & XF56mm F1.2


As you may, or may not know, the thing that feeds my family is wedding and social photography.

It's a job I enjoy greatly and one I love shooting with my Fujifilm cameras.

I wanted to share this photofilm here, though you can see the full blog post with stills on my Wedding Photography Blog.

The cool kids would call this a "destination wedding".  I call it a wedding where aeroplanes are involved.  Nevertheless, it's worth making a point about luggage and bags and all that.

Or the lack of them, I suppose.

My typical wedding bag looks like this:

Kevin Mullins Camera Bag

Kevin Mullins Camera Bag

In this image, you can see a couple of X-Pro2's, an Instax Share, iPad and my teeny X70 poking his little head out.

However, for this trip, I used an X-T2, and X-Pro2.  One loaded with the 56mm F1.2 lens and one loaded with the 23mm F2 lens.

I didn't change lenses again until late in the evening when I used the 16mm F1.4 for the dancing.

The Photofilm is here if you wish to watch it.

You may also be interested in my Shooting Weddings with Fuji blog post.  It's a little dated now, and I will update it soon, but you may find it useful.

And finally, I have one place left on my last Wedding Photojournalism course which is on the 7th December in North London if you are interested in that.

Enjoy your weekend & as ever, any questions, leave them below and I'll do my best to answer them.

Happy Snapping - Kevin

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.


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