Lightroom Performance Tips


Whilst these Lightroom Performance Tips are not necessarily Fujifilm specific, I thought it was worth posting here for those that want to get the best out of Lightroom from a performance point of view.

It's a quick run-through of 17 Lightroom Performance Tips and is a collation of all the things I do on both my more powerful studio PC and my less powerful laptop.

Some of these tips are obvious and other less so and some you may already know about but if there is the odd one that helps you further then that's great.

Even though I use Lightroom CC, these Lightroom performance tips and tricks should work across all versions of Lightroom - even the non-subscription versions.

Thank you so much to those that have subscribed to my YouTube Channel.

I really want to build a channel that not only I enjoy curating, but more importantly, gives you useful information.  Some of it will spill onto this website, but not all.  I'll keep F16 more tips and art based.

As always, please feel free to leave questions below about this lightroom performance tips video or anything else.

I do my best to answer all comments that require answering. I appreciate your support and if you feel like sharing then I'll buy you a pint :-)

Lightroom Performance Tips Include:

You'll need to watch the video above of course, but the tips I discuss are:

  1. SSDs

  2. Switching off Services

  3. Graphics Processing

  4. Camera Raw Cache

  5. XMP Changes

  6. Setting Preview Sizes

  7. Keeping 1:1 Previews

  8. Optimising Catalog

  9. Clearing History

  10. Preset Housekeeping

  11. Apply Bulk Presets quicker

  12. Histogram and Solo Mode

  13. Hiding Modules

  14. Culling outside of Lightroom

  15. 1:1 Previews

  16. Using Import Presets

  17. Apply Sharpening and Noise Reduction last

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And Finally….. Are you a Wedding or Street Photographer?

I’ve spent the last year or so planning the first ever X-Weddings Conference.  It will be in Bath, England on the 12th & 13th of June.

We have a top lineup of speakers and you can learn more by heading over to

  • Happy Snapping – Kevin

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.

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