Time Stands Still (X100V)

I first posted these images over on The Kage Collective, which I'm a member of, but I wanted to share them here.

The "work from home" directive ended for us in the UK last week, and I happened to be in London when people came out, blurry-eyed from their enforced stay-at-home period.

I shot these images in the space of around 30 minutes on one block near Picadilly in central London.

Shot with the X100V at slow shutter speeds, which meant I had to activate the handy built-in ND filter.

The mood was still gritty. People seemed to be still wary of each other. They were stepping around others, wearing masks accordingly, too. The feel of the place is more vibrant, but it still feels a little like we haven't quite come out of the shadows yet.

And so, the idea of pace, movement and mood drew me to create a small photo essay to portray these senses.

About the processing of these Photographs

All the images are edited with my Essential Film 2021 Profiles, specifically the FP4 emulation.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.


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