Day in the Life Photography with Fujifilm GFX and X-H1


In this little video, I talk briefly about a Day in the Life Photography that I did recently. 

Actually, it was more of an afternoon but the principles are the same.

As you will have figured by now, I'm making a lot more YouTube content these days. These YouTube films, including this Day in the Life Photography film, definitely won't replace this website, but instead, I hope will enhance it by giving me the opportunity to put more dynamic (and useful?) content here.

My general plan is to share here, the videos that I think are relevant to this website (as not all will be) and additionally, if there are any educational elements involving steps or processing etc, then they will expanded upon on this website (a bit like the How I Edit my Monochrome Images post from a few months back).

It would be great if you could subscribe to my YouTube Channel too - that would be quite epic :-)

Day in the Life Photography: Photojournalistic Principles

In our latest Kage Collective issue, we decided to shoot "everyday thing" and this appealed to me particularly as I shoot everything in the voyeuristic principles of true photojournalism.

Of course, this doesn't mean it's the right way to shoot, it's certainly not the only way to shoot but it is the way I choose to shoot.

That extends from my wedding photography through to my Day in the Life Photography and that means that the images are not staged or directed.

As you'll see in this photofilm in the video, the light became very difficult (ironically, in the UK, it was too bright!) and instead of fighting against the light, I'm trying to work with the light to make the images more interesting.  You can decide if I succeeded.

Day in the Life Photography: Seeing Light using Monochrome

In this Day in the Life Photography video, the Photo Film is at the end and before it, I talk about the way I shoot using a black and white film simulation, even when shooting RAW.

Essentially, I find it much easier to see the subtleties of natural light and the fall off when I'm using a black and white film simulation in the LCD or Electronic View Finder.

Couple that with spot metering, it means, by and large, I can use the available light more creatively than if I was perhaps shooting for colour.

Of course, remember, if you are shooting RAW not just for Day in the Life Photography, but for anything, your images will always need editing from a colour standpoint, but it's as important to get the exposure and light right when shooting colour as it is when shooting for monochrome.

Day in the Life Photography: Fujifilm X-H1 & GFX

At the time I did this shoot, I was loaning the Fujifilm X-H1 and whilst I haven't purchased the camera, I definitely felt the ridiculously quite mechanical shutter made a big difference.

I shot using the XF18mm F2 lens on the X-H1, along with the 45mm and 63mm F2.8 lenses on the GFX.

You'll remember, that I really believe that as I've invested in the GFX system, that I have to make it work for me - and this is where it does that job.  And it's all about the prints.

As ever, please feel free to leave comments below and I'll do my best to reply as soon as possible.

Happy Snapping,

Kevin (sat in The White Horse, Eye, Norfolk)

P.S. You can see more of my Day in the Life Photography, if you are interested, over on my Family Photography Website.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.

Fujifilm X-T100 First Thoughts


Focus Stacking with the Fujifilm X-T2