Shooting a Two Day Asian Wedding with Fujifilm X-Series

I've been using the Fujifilm X-Series of cameras to shoot professionally since 2011.

It's true to say that the first incarnation of the Fuji X100 was a little raw around the edges.  I still love and use that camera, and with a few firmware updates, it became a firm part of my camera bag.

The X-Pro1 and, later, the X100S was my catalyst to ditch the DSLR equipment and move full time to the embryonic mirror-less system.  I've never looked back.

This article is going to form the basis of a series of articles looking at shooting weddings, professionally, with the Fuji system.

My style of shooting weddings is as a documentary wedding photography and I think the move away from large DSLRs has enhanced my ability to get in closer, get more emotive images and generally enjoy shooting more.

This article is going to showcase two Photofilms.  Both films were shot in April this year and the gear used, without exceptions are:

  • One Fuji X100T with the Wide Angle Converter

  • One Fuji X-T1 with the XF 56mm F1.2 Lens

  • One Fuji X-T1 with the XF 23mm F1.2 Lens

No flash or supplemental lighting is used.  No DSLRs or Zoom lenses.

The reason I mention the last point is that I am constantly getting messages from people, and see stuff on Social Media, where they mention they have "shot the wedding almost exclusively with Fuji".

The almost exclusively indicates to me that for the core features of the day, they are continuing to use their old equipment.

That's fine, of course.  You will never hear me say "don't use a DLSR" - I used to love mine.  I do wonder what it is that holds people back from letting go of their old equipment though?  Whatever works for the photographer is all that matters.

Fuji X-Series Autofocus

The number one "complaint" I hear from other wedding photographers who shoot "almost exclusively" is about autofocus.

I've talked about this a LOT at workshops and platform sessions and I stand by the fact that when used correctly, the Fuji system is a perfect system for shooting fast moving documentaries like weddings.

The key is "when used correctly".  In my opinion, and its only my opinion remember if you can get used to Back Button Focusing you are almost entirely there.

Whilst I don't use continuous tracking that much, the recent version four firmware update to the X-T1 has enabled people to shoot more accurately during scenes where there is a lot of movement - such as the wedding recessional.

In low light, when the chips are down, and everything is moving fast and furiously, then I shoot in manual mode with a zone focusing technique.  Usually underexposed and usually around F5.6.  The dancing shots of the second video below are shot this way.

By the way, if you are a wedding photographer shooting with the X-Series, I curate a Facebook group that you may be interested in here:

Soon, on this blog, I'll be putting together a completely updated guide to how I shoot weddings with the X-Series.  In the meantime, have a look at these two photo films.  

You may want to turn the sound up, and put the Photofilms at full screen.

I hope you like them.

Day 1

Day 2

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.

Fuji RAW v JPEG : Using the Fujifilm X-Series X-Trans Sensor


Gopro Hero 4 Family Photography