Fujifilm X-Pro3 - Your Questions Answered


Fujifilm X-Pro3 - Your Questions Answered.

Hello everybody. I hope you are well and for those that celebrate, getting into the Christmas spirit.

My kids are like bottles of pop right now, which is lovely to see.

Me, I still have a couple of weddings to shoot over the Christmas period but I’m looking forward to putting my feet up and seeing what Santa Claus puts in my stocking this year.

Today I’m going to answer some of the questions I’ve had about the Fujifilm X-Pro3 in the three months I’ve been using it.

I’ll give you an update on what I feel about the camera and dig into some of your specific questions that came following my review.

As usual, now, I've made a Youtube video to address this, but all the information is also below.

Alright, so, I’ve been using the Fujifilm X-Pro3 now for around three or four months and this isn’t going to be a review as I've done that already.

What I want to do is give a brief update on my thoughts, but more importantly answer some of the questions that came in via that Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review, or from the FujiCast Podcast that Neale and I run.

The podcast is going from strength to strength. It’s most definitely not just for Fuji photographers and this week we discuss whether wedding photography is dead?

Go and give it a listen. We get about 5,000 listeners per week now which is crazy but brilliant.

So, in the summary of my review, I essentially said that the Fujifilm X-Pro3 was a beautiful camera, made with aesthetic in mind, that performed a little better than the X-T3 but certainly had some quirks.

Mostly, those quirks revolved around the Sub Monitor and the “hidden LCD”.Generally, my opinion hasn’t changed.

I still love the camera and as soon as I can, I’ll be getting a pair of Dura Black ones to replace my X-T3’s for my professional work.

The features that I loved then are still applicable now – it’s just a joy to use and is, in my mind, a huge leap forward from the X-Pro2.

Compared to the Fujifilm X-T3, it’s still a leap forward, but not as great of course and in essence that decision is based on which one you, or I, would prefer to use and whether features such as -6 ev exposure, Classic Neg film simulation, enhanced JPEG options, the OVF etc are important to you.

Format Shortcut for Fujifilm X-Pro3:

Brian Eaves says: "Does anyone know if there is a format button shortcut for the Xpro3? With the Xpro2 (Press the Delete button and hold it down for three seconds. Then, while still pressing the Delete button, click in the rear command dial)?"


Yes, it’s the same. In the Fujifilm X-Pro3, you hold down the DRIVE button (which has the delete label next to it) for 3 seconds, then press the rear command dial. You then get the format options to appear in the LCD or EVF.

Fujifilm X-Pro3 OVF frame lines

"Hi Kevin, you say the OVF has been improved in terms of brightness and clarity. There seems to be a downside, though: its magnification is fixed now, and the compromise Fuji chose leaves us without frame lines for the 18mm lens, which is my most-used and in fact very popular with street photographers."


Yes, for sure I feel the OVF has improved in terms of brightness and clarity but you and many others, have correctly established that frame lines for the 18mm lens are not visible in the OVF anymore. Which I agree, is disappointing. For the 23mm they are clear and crisp, but certainly for the 18mm which I know a lot of street shooters use this is a backward step. I do believe that a vast majority of people these days use the EVF because it's so damn good now, but for sure, those that still use the OVF and those wide-angle lenses, it looks like this is something we will have to live with for the time being. I have no idea if this is a firmware addressable issue, or if it’s physical parallax but it’s true that using a 16mm lens the frame lines are not visible in the Optical View Finder.

Fujifilm X-Pro Max Video Recording Time

Chris Boland asks:"Thanks for the great overview Kevin. I swear I read somewhere that the max video recording time went above 30mins for the first time - are you able to confirm this? Thank you."


You are kind of right Chris. For HD recording, you can record up to 59 minutes or so, but for 4K, which is really where the sensor shines, you are limited to 15 minutes. And because there is no HDMI output, you can output to something like a Ninja Fire to record for longer periods. So yep, a bit of both there.

Will Classic Neg Come to the X-T3?

"Hi, Kevin. I really appreciate you making the effort to put your thoughts in writing for the benefit of the Fujifilm community. Do you have any idea if the Classic Neg film simulation will be available for previous cameras through firmware updates?"


And the answer is, I honestly don’t know. However, what I would say is that I would be really surprised if the Classic Neg and other JPEG goodies in the Fujifilm X-Pro3 were not rolled out to other cameras WITH THE SAME SENSOR. Currently that the X-T3 and X-T30.I would be really surprised but impressed if these features made it say to the X100F or X-H1 as they use different sensors and technologies. Now just this week there was a firmware update to the X-T3 which mostly focussed on video features – using with a gimbal etc. A lot of people are complaining that that firmware update hasn’t included the Classic Neg film simulation. I guess what you have to realise is the Fujifilm X-Pro3 is still only just hitting the shops in most markets. It doesn’t make much commercial sense for Fujifilm to roll it out just yet. If indeed they ever do.Much as we’d all love it – I’d love to make movies using my X-T3 with Classic Neg – at the end of the day Fujifilm have to make money and they would suggest they would sell less of the Fujifilm X-Pro3 if the X-T3 was immediately updated with the same features. So, in summary, I don’t know if Classic Neg will make it across to the X-T3, but I’d be surprised if it didn’t at some point.

Fuji X-Pro3 Tilt Screen

Psychoanima asks: "Kevin, don't you think it would be a better solution to not have a screen at all on XPro or to have two versions of it? For people who are using the screen to review pictures, this hidden LCD is frustrating as hell, and if Fuji wants photographers to focus on shooting and not reviewing pictures then they should show some guts and do what Leica has done with M-D and M10-D series - removing LCD completely. Being in the middle - having but not having LCD - neither justifies Fuji's "new philosophy" neither satisfies modern/regular photographer."


Ok, so a lot of the questions were about the LCD and Sub monitor which of course was the most divisive feature in the Fujifilm X-Pro3. Some of the comments were polite and constructive, like the one from Psychoanima, others……. let's just say, less polite. Anyway, to answer Pshcoanima’s question, yes, personally, and I think I mentioned this in my review, I would have been happier with the LCD as it was on the X-Pro2 if I’m honest. I think having no LCD is an option, I mean, essentially, if you ignore the sub monitor, that’s what you have got with the Fujifilm X-Pro3 with the screen folded up. Have two versions? Yea, that would be great – but I guess the practicalities of it would make it economically difficult for Fujifilm. I think it’s fair to say the Xpro range doesn’t sell as many as the XT range so they have, of course, they do, have to make money off the product. So, yes, the tilting LCD is still the pink elephant in the room as we say here. Some people adore it, some people hate it.

I like it more than I dislike it and after using the camera for such a while now have perfectly gotten used to it to the point where it’s no longer something I even think about.

-6ev Focusing with X-Pro3

Anthony Triana mentions: What about the ability to focus as far down as -6 EV with the X-Pro 3 as opposed to the X-T3's -3EV? I have shot SLR style cameras for work for the past 17 years (X-T2 since July 2017). I might be interested in moving to the X Pro 3 just because of the -6EV.


fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

Anthony makes a great point here. I mentioned in my review video that the focusing, especially in low light, seems even better than the X-T3 and I’m very sure of that you know.

This is down in some part to the -6ev. Overall, the camera seems snappier, sharper and just a bit “better” I guess in terms of focus acquisition and speed.

As I said earlier, I really don’t know if this will come to the X-T3 in due course. We’ll have to wait and see. The above three images were shot at elevated ISO with the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

Is Kevin Mullins paid by Fujifilm?

Reuben Zuazua asks: "Is this a paid review?"


Errr. No. No, it’s not. But thanks for thinking of me Reuben, you can change that by a Paypal donation to kevinmullinsphotography@gmail.com – that would be lovely.

Ta. I’ll let you know when it comes through.

Fuji X-Pro3 Fingerprints on Dura

Greg C asks: "How is the dura finish? Some say shows a lot of fingerprints and smudges"


Well, Greg – yes, I’ve read that too and I’ve tried to take some close up shots to show you what mine looks like.

Honestly, I don’t notice fingerprints, but you can see grime and dirt build-up. This would wipe off easily though.

But fingerprints – that’s not really an issue. I think some people are assuming the top plates are like the glass on iPhones or something where you just see sticky marks everywhere.

It’s not and to be totally honest with you, it’s not something that would bother me really.

I guess the camera needs to be a tool rather than an object of looks – hopefully, that’s answered that question which has also come up quite a lot.

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

Fujifilm x-pro3

Fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

fujifilm x-pro3

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Flip Screen

algarveTV suggests: "The good screen has already been invented before and implemented well in the X-A70. You can hide it, Show it or flip it. That's the best screen option I've seen. And the sub-monitor could be also part of this design. Why not?"


Yup. Totally agree – the screen in X-A70 is fantastic. I hope we see that style of the screen in the X-T4.

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Bracketing

jimbob asks: "It’s been a while since I’ve dug back into X gear. Can you bracket custom film settings yet?"


No, Jimbob, you can’t. At least I haven’t seen a way of doing it yet. Something a lot of people have asked for, myself included. You can of course bracket three standard film simulations, but not as far as I know, custom versions.

Fuji X-Pro3 Highlight Weighted Metering

Axel Friberg wonders: "Does it have Highlight weighted metering like the Ricoh GR iii?"


Hi Axel – no, it has Multi, Spot, Average and Centre Weighted.I guess spot metering would come closest to highlight weighted.

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Lockable Dioptre

Maik Jansen Fotografie asks:"How about the diopter? Can you lock it?"


Yup. Yes, you can.

Who came up with with the tilting screen on the Fujifilm X-Pro3?

MP GC wonders: "so who is the bloke who advised about that atrocious LCD screen?...they could have just done away with no LCD, with that saved money make a larger viewfinder and EVF and that could just lower the price cost...and maybe just maybe fix that damn battery life its almost 2020!"


Perhaps they could, perhaps they couldn’t. We’ll never know. But one thing is for sure, there wasn’t a bloke in Tokyo who woke up one morning and thought “I know, how can we really annoy that MP GC guy on YouTube”.

Honestly, as I say, the LCD is a make or break for some, for others they love it. I love my Kia Sportage, my wife not so much.

As for battery life, I easily get a thousand shots or more from the battery.

It just depends on how you use the camera I guess.

OK, so there you have it. A quick update on the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

I really love it, you may really love it, or you may not.

Lot’s of questions answered and I hope this video and blog post has helped in some way.

And finally, and most importantly, my friends, if you are watching this before Christmas, and if you celebrate it, have a wonderful, relaxed and peaceful time with your friends and family and I hope 2020 brings you happiness, health and cheer. Until then, happy snapping and I’ll see you in the next video.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.


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