Shooting Weddings with the Fuji X-Pro1

I've been using the Fuji X-Pro1 camera system now for over a year for my wedding photography assignments.  This year, I was presenting a session at a trade show and wanted to demonstrate how I use the X-Pro1 during my wedding shoots.

I've had "a lot" of conversations with many photographers about this camera.  I always say the same thing.  The camera is amazing, the results are amazing, and perhaps, as importantly, this camera empowers us as photographers to think a little more about our images.

The X-Pro1 is certainly not a "spray and pray" camera.  Each picture is considered, composed and timed.  It has to be that way with this systems - and, in my opinion, that is a good thing.

I've said it many times, the X-Pro1 gives you an advantage as a documentary wedding photographer - it's small, light, powerful and produces amazing imagery.

Below is my slideshow of images shot on the X-Pro1 over the last year.  You may also be interested in my sixth month overview of the camera.

Turn the sound up, click full screen and enjoy the next three and a bit minutes.  As always, I'd love your comments and questions and please feel free to share on social media if you so wish.

What did you think?

You can see all my posts about the Fujifilm X-Series and see just how I try and use it.  As a documentary wedding photographer it works amazingly well for me but I also know of other photographers who use it in a studio scenario, and use if very well too.

In short, I love this camera.  It's my go-to machine for family and street photography.  I no longer need keep my DSLRs at home or take them away on holiday and the utopia for me is being able to use the X-Pro1's on my wedding commissions.

Fuji have supported this camera, and the X100 amazingly well.  The version 2.01 firmware update has made significant improvements to the handling and focusing  (both manual and AF).  Fuji must be commended for their proactive development of this system.

I wonder what the future will bring for us wedding photographers?  I'm hoping that we'll see a full frame version the mirror-less cameras from Fuji and a continuation of the development of the X-trans sensor.

Kevin Mullins

Kevin Mullins is a documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Malmesbury, England. He has been a Fujifilm ambassador since 2011.

My Presentation at Fujifilm HQ, Tokyo