Cariad am byth

A Photo Essay by Kevin Mullins

“Children see magic because they look for it.”

— Christopher Moore


Cariad am byth means "Love Forever", in Welsh.

As we head into Lockdown number two, I've been reflecting on this year of 2020.

It's been terrible in many ways. From a business point of view, I have had to pivot away dramatically from everything I've worked so hard for over the last thirteen years or so.

Yet, when I think beyond those implications, I'm reminded of the changes I'm seeing in the fabric of my very own family.

My children, whom I've been documenting for all of their lives, are changing. Quickly.

I get asked frequently why I share pictures of them less these days. And the brutal fact is that they have changed. Their responses, their personalities and their own opinions are all maturing.

They are both growing into the most majestically beautiful little people.

I couldn't be more proud of them.

When I look at some of the snaps I have taken over the last couple of weeks, it's like looking into the mirror of my past.

I'm so happy that they are happy. And I'm happy that I'm seeing them so much more right now. As this eternally treacherous virus continues to maraud the world, there is a glimmer in the beauty we can see around us.

I remember a quote;

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

— Leonard Cohen

And there I rest this piece. The light that shines through the cracks must guide us, and they will get brighter.

As children grow and change, so do we all. I feel that sometimes we spend so much time forming opinions of others we don't take time to look at ourselves.

Rosa and Albie are growing, but with their energy, I must grow too.

All of these photographs were processed using the “Delta Style 3200” Film preset from my collection.

Words & Images © by Kevin Mullins

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How I Create my Photo Slideshows for Clients


My Fujifilm JPEG Settings